Wednesday, December 25, 2013

That First Christmas

What was it like that first Christmas?  I know there were people poised and ready for the Messiah to come.  Somewhere in Persia, men who studied Daniel's prophecies knew when He was born, setting off, following the star, arriving perhaps twelve to fifteen months later.  And in Jerusalem there were those who knew when He would be born.  They had figured the year and knew the place.

Who was waiting in Bethlehem?  Almost everyone there was there for the tax census, but among them there must have been many who were anxiously waiting for the Savior.  We're not told how Joseph and Mary ended up in a house.  Did someone give them a house to live in?  Someone who had been waiting for this precious moment?

Simeon knew.  How his heart must have swelled when he first held Jesus!  He'd been studying Isaiah, because he quotes Isaiah 42:6 in his blessing.  And how bold was he to quote that particular verse in the Temple?  One thing the Jews didn't want was a Savior who would bring light to the gentiles . . . to the Romans!  We know there were those who hated that knowledge because they ended up hating the Messiah!

This is one of my favorite depictions of the Angel bringing the Gospel to the shepherds.  Imagine!  Lowly shepherds being visited by the Lord to announce the coming of the Messiah!  Did they know then that in Christ position, wealth, health, or past mattered nothing?  Could they sense that all men were created equal and before Him were equal?  I hope so.  I like to think so.  And on that night, that most blessed of all nights, when the message came they went to see Him.  Did they stand there in front of the stable in disbelief?  Wow!  The Savior, and He's here, in this stable!  This is no way for a King to come!

The imagery of Philippians 2:5-11 comes to mind.  Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself.  He came as a Servant.  The King of Kings and Lord of Lords who created all things came with nothing, becoming a real man.  Like Pastor Chris said:  "Jesus had a belly button!"  It's often hard for me to think of Him as a human being.  That part of the eternal Christ actually had a beginning!  It happened one evening long ago, when the Holy Spirit put a human baby in Mary's womb, and Jesus joined Himself to that human body!  And now He has the first resurrected body!

I love Christmas, because it reminds me of the greatest gift given.  Jesus.  Do you know that Jesus loves you?  He doesn't care what you've done, who you've been, if you're tall or short, fat or skinny, pretty or homely, rich or poor, or anything else.  None of that is important.  What is important is what He can do for you.  If you believe in Him, and accept Him as your Lord and Savior, He will give you life, not the living death we experience apart from Him!

Isaiah described Him in chapter 42 with some interesting words.  Look at verse 3.  A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning which He will not extinguish.  Life apart from Him can feel that way.  I am a reed, easily broken, bruised, weak.  Before I met Jesus my light burned so dimly!  But then I met Him.  I asked Him to be my Lord and Savior.  I asked forgiveness for my sins and received it.  I asked for a new life in Christ and He gave me a life of abundance and light!

Don't get me wrong!  I'm not rich, in the eyes of the world.  Nor am I important, according to the world's standards.  I have no power or position of which to boast.  But then, I don't live here any more.  Oh, yes!  I dwell here, but only to sojourn for a time.  My home is heaven, where Christ is.  Every spiritual blessing is mine!  I have peace.

Nothing can take away my light, or my life.  My body can die, but the spirit within, me, the person that uses this body for self expression, does not die.  Nor does this person live in darkness anymore.  Is Christmas special?  You bet!  Every year it gets more wonderful for me.  If only we could recapture the wonder of Christmas!

Alas!  My culture does everything to destroy what it means.  In my world Christmas is something the devil wants to remove!  Sometimes it seems that he is winning that battle, but then I celebrate the season with those who can recapture the wonder!  And I capture the wonder once again.  How blessed this Christmas is!

Thank You, Jesus, for coming!  Thank You for Christmas.  May I never forget the wonder that is the celebration of Your birthday!  I love You.


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